Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Murphy's Law In PR

Murphy's Law states, "Anything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong." This does not apply to all of life necessarily - however, certain situations, in hindsight, seem to underpin this theory of relativity.

For instance, I once worked with a female author who wrote two very successful books in the early 80's, which were about how to satisfy your male or female lover. At first glance, you'd think, sex sells, right?

Well, at first it did. Fast forward to 20 years later, when she came to my publicity agency to reignite interest in her 20 yr old books.

We gave her a radio tour, which went okay, and we also toured her to some cities. Atlanta, in particular, I remember.

After much legwork, we booked her a live 5 minute segment on one of the network morning shows, as well as an in-studio interview with one of the top rated classic rock shows. We also had a taped phone interview with their news station to keep her busy in between interviews.

Enter Murphy's Law.

Her TV segment was at the end of their 6 AM morning show, and would have closed the program. However, when she arrived their at 5:45 AM, she discovered a local calamity - Atlanta had just suffered their first real earthquake in 20 years. So, all camera crews and interviewing personnel were out covering the story. She had to leave Atlanta that day, so no chance to reschedule.

Onwards, right?

I was phoned later that morning by the classic rock station, who informed me that they had to cancel the interview with the sex author, because the host, "had been mauled by a lion during a publicity stunt." That is verbatim what I was told, I kid you not.

Apparently, this host was known for his unusual antics, but his latest venture could have been thought out a little bit more. Without any practice, safety guards, or exit strategies, mon frer the host walked into a cage with a lion, for God knows what purpose. In any case, the purpose of the lion was clear - get out of my cage dude! He took a couple of swipes at the host, who was consequently eviscerated, and completely out of commission.

(Indeed, that host never returned to the job, and was eventually replaced by a more sedentary morning show crew.)

So, THAT interview was cancelled, and never to be rescheduled.

The taped phone interview went off without a hitch, though I never found out how good it was, or if it even aired. However, to fly to Atlanta and get up at 5 AM to spend the whole day traipsing around the city for ONE taped phone interview - that is not a great way to spend your publicity resources.

These incidents were accidents, and could not have been prevented or foretold by anyone. However, in retrospect, one should have clearly seen that Murphy's Law would strong apply to this account. Indeed, it remains one of those most failed tour cities that I have ever sent a client to...however, if those interviews had gone through...who knows?

So, keep in mind that no matter what you do or who books you there...Murphy is lurking right around the corner, to ruin everything. Not that you can do much about it, but your welcome for the anxiety.

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